DNet Records

The DNet owner manages the dnet's member list and the OVF resources subscription. Thus, the DNet owner needs to perform both read and write operations on the DNet records on DNetDB.

This is what's happening under the hood when running create dnet command:

  1. Initialize - A network wide-unique <dnet_id> is generated from base58-encoded SHA256 hash value of a previous transaction ID.
  2. Pseudo Token Transaction - A Pseudo Token Transaction is created to enable the ĐNetDB Transaction.
TXIDPrevious TXID Output Signature0.0001 OP_DNET_XXXX ScriptPubKey
    `OP_DNET_CREATE <dnet_id> <dnet_name>`

ĐNetDB Transaction always sends a fixed amount to self address with additional Opcodes. This becomes the base transaction for this private overlay network and all subsequent ĐNetDB CRUD operations on this dnet will use this base transaction’s UTXO as input.

  1. Broadcast to whole network - the pseudo transaction is broadcast to all nodes as usual .
  2. Generate block - through mining and consensus algorithm, the record is added to the block.
  3. Creation finish - once the block becomes mature in about 2 minutes, the dnet is created and the <dnet_id> becomes available.

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